Tuesday, October 23, 2007

About this site

This site was created in an effort to help students learn by receiving and providing feedback about me, assignments, labs, other students, and anything else you want to discuss. Please feel free to respond candidly as long as you take note of others feelings and opinions.


Anonymous said...

We need to have study sessions because my grade on the 2nd test from going to the study session, was 10% higher than the first test that I didn't attend the study session.
Kel Vartsin

Snowball said...

we could have the study sesions before early bird or keep it the same but we have to have study session they realy do help me on the test.

heytherehey said...

hey currie u need a study session buddy i'm gonna fail ur class if u dont have study sessions. Pleeeeeaze keep study sessions!!! who cares about the upset EB teachers?

Anonymous said...

ok, so heres the deal..my grade went down on the second test ( which was supposed to be easier) because my teacher early bird teacher wouldn't let me attend the study session! its not really fair that all the other kids can get a really great review and feel prepared for the test, when our e.b teachers wont let us leave! you need to find an alternative! maybe emailing all the e.b teachers a week in advance for the study session, or maybe just have study sessions during cougar time for e.b students. just think of something!!! my grade is suffering from not making the study sessions!!

Anonymous said...

currie we really need to keep those study sessions not only does it help me but all the others for example think about how many people have come to them already shooting star has a point about emailing the eb teachers. Why should people who are trying to accel(E.B.ers) get penalized for doing so. plus it's just a lot better than class. Oh and hows the knee feeling? hope it's gettin' better BIO with Currie rules

Anonymous said...

Currie u really need to keep your study sessions because if u dont have them im gonna fail!! and the study sessions realyy help C:

Anonymous said...

hey currie um I wuz looking for two extra sites to post on and all of your discussions are dated back to october, could you please open up some new things to post on?

Anonymous said...

we should have the study sessions but it's unfair to eb students so if the eb teachers won't let them get out we should do the sessions in cougar time so that no one gets an unfair advantage on the test :)