Use this link to make your comment on your opinion on where you think the USA and the world should be heading with stem cell use. Your post must be 50 words or more. You then need to add 2 additional shorter posts that are comments to others opinions.
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Stem cells: the new scientific frontier : seemingly endless opportunities await humanity!!! Well, I hope not.Whenever I here something new about how far they've come, and how far they can still go, one quote in particular comes to my mind,"just because you can, doesn't mean you should." I can't remember where I heard this, but I think it really applies to the stumping situation that the present generations are faced with. I see no particular reason as to why stem cells can't be used in an effort to help repare serious injuries or cure diseases in some people, but then you come to the part where now its possible to go as far as cloning/creating human beings, and that just makes me cringe...I think that is seriously pushing the limit on how far humans should go.(And being one who goes to church, I'm not okay with the idea of playing God and all). ***"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should"***
hey sally, I agree with your organ/cure idea but whats wrong with cloning? Honestly I think that if God was angry with us for playing with life he would have stopped this looong ago. Now I'm not really in favor of the idea of creating a thinking human being cuz thats just creepy and can go wrong in many ways. Also using cloning as the sole method of human reproduction will eventually lead us to an evolutionary dead end. But if you watched the island the evil guy did not have a bad idea at first, creating a mindless clone. It technichally woud not be alive because it would not respond to external stimuli or be capable of reproducing on its own. creating organs in a cloned body would yield more extra organs than a special ordered one, saving even more lives in case there was any shortage of organs.
stem cells should be used to make unhealthy babies non ugly anymore,....i think they should start stem cell banks like blood banks so if u need them you can just buy them and be healthy again.
i agree with both of you,......if your baby is going to have down syndrome, you should have the option to make them not down syndromey.....then again. if u find out your baby is going to be blond, you shouldnt be able to change them to a brunette. but over all, i would avoid playing god, its just not moral in my opinion...
I feel that stem cells should almost never be used because there is a reason for why we are the way we are. if we were suppose to be something different we would be.
I agree with Sally because it is so true how just because we can make the human race better it does NOT mean we have to, if you put it into a different situation such as, if you could tell off to a friend for something that they did, does that mean you should? no you shouldn't because a) that's mean and b) where will that get you?
I feel that Sally is right because, there is a reason for why we are the way we are, and trying to change that is just wrong.
I disagree with Cave Pip, when they said that we should be able to clone. I dont' think that is right in any way because, in the movie the Island, those people still had feelings just like all of us do, and is it right to keep them in a "special" area until they are needed and only to be killed later? no that, for a lack of better words, stupid. We shouldn't be trying to make clones of ourselves. (however, i am a person who believes in church so feel that mindless killing is immoral)
Finally, it is our IMPERFECTIONS that make us who we are. I can't play hockey or shot a basket and that is why i do other activities. it is because of my imperections that i excell in other things. And just think about it..... if everyone was trying to be a star player on their team, where is the competition and fun in improving your skills? or society would be doomed to be based of the materialistic values not our morals.
I guess I’m not totally against cloning but just like sally said even though we have the ability to do it I don’t think it’s totally right. When it comes to curing diseases and repairing injuries I have nothing against stem cell research and I’m all for it. If we have the ability to help save peoples lives why wouldn’t we? The only thing I have against it is that I don’t think it should be used on humans. If you find out your child is going to be a blonde hair blue eye girl but you’ve always dreamed of having a child with dark brown hair and dark eyes you shouldn’t be able to change that. God made us all the way we are for a reason and even though we can change ourselves it doesn’t make it right. So overall I approve stem cell research but when it comes to cloning humans and changing the genetics in babies its morally wrong in my eyes.
I totally agree with what sally said about using it to cure diseases and everything I feel the same exact way. I disagree with currie is bad at ps3 because I think you shouldn’t be able to change what your baby will look like or what diseases they have god made them that way and we shouldn’t be able to do anything to change it. You’ll still love them the same no matter what they look like or what diseases they have so why would you need to change them
Stem cells; I think that stem cell research should be continued, to help cure diseases. We have gotten farther with the technology than anyone ever thought we would now and it’s amazing. I think that with the information and technology we have and continue to create though that we should use it to help cure diseases but not to change things like what your baby will look like and how intelligent they will be. We should use this information for the greater goods and especially to help cure genetic diseases like down syndrome.
I defiantly agree with sally because I think even though it would be cool and all to have a clone I don’t think we should go that far. I mean on the island they started to try and do that but look how it turned out for them, they were alive and had minds and were virtually real people. And in response to cave pip I think it would be good to have mindless ones for organs and all but you have to ask yourself, would it be possible to be create a mindless one, and then after you use the organs how would you dispose of the rest of them?
I disagree with currie is bad at ps3 because I think that having stem cell banks would be go way to far. But I do agree with the part that we should be able to make unhealthy people healthy. The part about making them “not ugly” is even worse though because we already have that somewhat with plastic surgery and being able to change your babies appearance before they are born is ridiculous.
I think that Stem Cells could lead to huge advancements in the medical field that would be absolutely amazing if we could find a cure for Cancers or heart disease. But Stem Cells would open the door to some major issues that I am completely apposed to such as cloning. (I can see some value in some of it but I really think that cloning/ the doctors who would be cloning would be taking the place of God and I have a Major issue with that!) I also don’t like embryonic stem cells when the eggs have been fertilized. I know that there are thing that these stem cells can do and advancements but at what cost I see that “zygote” as a baby and I can’t get past that for anything a BABY is a baby not research material.
sally i agree with you making humans in labs makes me cringe! and that is where i have issues with this area of science
CuRRiE iS BaD aT Ps3 i think if we mad ugly babies cute then where do you stop
I think that it is ok to use stem cell research, to a certain extent. As long as it is only used to heal pople from diseases, it is ok if we take advantage of these scientific discoveries. However, I don't believe we should use it to create designer babies. It is not our job to play god and map out how the world will be. Though some people see disease and disabilities as a bad thing, I believe god has a plan for everything, and this sometimes includes things that we may not see as good.
I do not agree with currie.... You contradict yourself. Hello changing a person is playing god!
I agree with Speechfreak22 about imperfections making everyone unique. If all parents wanted their children to be one way or another, just think about what our world would be like!
I have 2 different views about stem cells. I think that it would be good be able to create them because scientists could find a stop to cancer, genetic diseases and other illnesses. in creating a stem cell you can save many peoples lives. but my other opinion is it isn't right to do that to a human that is just born and has no decision about his/her life. It shouldn't matter about looks its more about figuring out new ideas to help people survive and live longer!
I think that the research of stem cells opens up many doors in the medical field. For some people, this can benefit their lives greatly. Although it would be cool to not see so many people die from really harmful diseases, the way that researchers are finding these cures and applying them is uncalled for. They are basically killing babies to benefit others. This is ridiculous…if it wasn’t fatal to others I would totally support this, but not by this unhumane way.
i agree with speechfreak22, because we were all made to be different and if we used stem cells to make us "better looking" we'd all just be the same and life would be boring.
i also agree with meow in how it can be useful for somethings, but when it comes to who we are, why change that cause [ as she said ] God makes us who we are for a reason.
I would say that stem cell research is only ok in certain circumstances. I support the research if it goes to helping cure diseases such as cancer, or providing somebody with a much needed organ, but if the stem cell future involves cloning, I am against it. Cloning in the future, in my opinion, is kind of scary. I believe the idea that creating another human being would be taking the place of God. I realize that cloning could be used to provide organs for people in need, but I think that medically, we are doing ok for that. surgeons perform thousands of successful transplants every year. so for right now, I believe stem cell research could be beneficial, but cloning is not something I want to see in the future.
I agree with sally. just because scientists can do somthing dosnt mean they should. cloning would be taking the research too far. There is a fine line between researching for the common good of people and researching for technilogical advancement.
I would also agree with what meow said, you should not be able to change the looks of your child for somthing that you would like more, however i am not against finding a cure for diseases in infants. i think it would be a good thing if scientists could use their research for preventing complications in unborn babies.
I think the U.S., as well as the world should stop doing stem cell research. Even though its intentions are good, the actual process of research is unethical. It exercises the killing of human embryos for research. Which is WRONG! I know it sounds good to cure people with otherwise incurable diseases like cancer, leukemia, and diabetes. However, that is not for science to fix. We cannot go around thinking the right thing to do is kill innocent babies (or embryos) to cure others.
I totally agree with what Lola is saying about cloning. It would be cool and all, but it would be taking it way too far. As to what stem cells are really supposed to be used for. Like curing sometimes fatal illnesses (like cancer).
I don't know what the heck currie is bad at ps3 is taking about. A hello what does unhealthy babies have to do with ugly ones. Unhealthy babies are not nessarily ugly. An if you had down syndrome would you want people to make fun of the way you look. The answer is like NO! Because that would be rude. what i'm saying is you can't act like stem cells can replace gods creation. And if you knew you're kid was going to have down syndrome, adopt one. Because there are tons of aboned babies. Who's parents can't take care of them.
I think that being able to clone humans’ sounds like a remarkable idea but I am still against it. I mean using stem cell research to help cure cancer, Parkinson’s disease, or other serious diseases and injuries are a great idea. But to go as far as to clone people is too far. In the movie we watched the guy that had the idea that he could clone humans that had no state of mind, but it didn’t work. Those people were just like everyone else. They felt emotions, they hurt, and they cried. Then to just kill them when they thought that they were going to a special place is just wrong. Me believing in God has a big role in why I think cloning is wrong. The Ten Commandments say that murder is wrong. In Psalm 100:3 it says, "Know that the LORD Himself is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves." In Isaiah 44:2, 21, 24 the prophet Isaiah says, "Thus says the LORD who made you and formed you from the womb, … I have formed you, …Thus says the LORD, your Redeemer, and the one who formed you from the womb, I, the LORD, am the maker of all things, stretching out the heavens by Myself and spreading out the earth all alone." Psalm 119:73 says, "Your hands made me and fashioned me." So, basically God is saying that he made us and that we don’t make ourselves and to clone humans would be to go against God.
I totally agree with Sally. I agree with the thought that just because they can that they shouldn't. Cloning humans is not a good idea.
I completely disagree with currie is bad at ps3. We shouldn't be making ugly babies look better. That was how God made them because thats how they should be. If they start with the looks how far will they go and when will they stop.
I think that stem cell use for cloning should just be used for the ability to cure cancer and or diseases. I don't think that we should just use it to make everyone in the world better at ourselves better or "perfect". The world was made with everyones imperfections and there really is no point in living if everyone is the same.
I agree with Speechfreak22 here. I mean, why should we change what we are or what we do better just to try and be the best. We are all born with imperfections and we need tolearn to deal with it. What would be the point of the living world if everyone could clone just to make themselves "perfect". I also agree with Sally, as you can see. It should purely be used for disease and things such as cancer only. Not for people to just ry and make themselves better. I disagree with currie is bad a ps3 because as I stated earlier, it shouldnt be used just to make people prettier or beter.
I feel that stem cells are a really delicae issue. In my view I think we should be able to use stem cells to cure some diseases of mutations in our genes. i think it would be fine to just clone a new heart or set of lungs, but the creation of new humans is wrong, and entirely unnatural. And unique traits like our height, skin color, hair color, ect. should not be changed or we will actually be "playing god". I don't think cloning should be done to animals or humans, the cloning of animals is especially immoral because we would create new beings with feelings, just to kill them (like in the Island). I agree with sally that stem cell research/use should only be used in specified cases like Tay Sachs in a newborn baby, and we should be able to use stem cells to cure its disease. I disagree with truck driving fat-girl. the embryonic stem cells must be given to researchers before they are fertilized, so they aren't babies. And women just lose those eggs as they get older, and they should be able to donate them to research instead of waste them once a month. and you have to remember that those unfertilized eggs might cure cancer for you, or someone in your family one day.
I think we need to be really careful about how we use stem cells. modifying organs and curing dieases sound great, and i think we should use them to do that. but when it gets into modify actual people and animals, it starts to get into the moral issues of creating humans. i dont think we should modify people at all...theres just no telling of here a little change of hair or eye color can go. and who would really be satisfied with just changing something really little?
I dont agree with cavepip...i think creating people to use there organs would be way, way over the line of right and wrong. what exactly does mindless mean? theyre alive-theyre living, breathing organisms.if someone who cant think for themselves is killed, does it matter and less than if a normal person is killed?
I agree with Red High Heels...dont use zygotes for experiments. they are babies or will be babies.
I think that Stem Cell research is a sketchy subject. For years scientists have been promising some major cure, yet no major medical breakthrough has been presented. Granted, it might be worth the time, effort, and money for a medical advancement to come. I can't really say that it's not going to happen, but I can't say it will either. On the subject of cloning, I don't see a point. So you can make a copy of yourself. wow! If we were meant to have a double, we would all have an exact copy when we were born. There is enough people on Earth without cloning.
I think currie is bad at ps3 is wrong. Just because a baby is unhealthy doesn't mean they are ugly. & like truck-drivin' fat girl said- if you had Down Syndrome I'm sure you wouldn't want people making fun of you.
I agree with meow. People shouldn't be able to change their babies physical appearance. If your child ends up with black hair and you wanted them to have blonde hair, then TOO BAD. If it concerns you THAT much, then you aren't even mature enough to have children. Using stem cells to alter the way your baby will physically look is wrong.
Stem cells are a very "depends on the situation kind of a thing." I believe this because if stem cells could treat diseases that kill or make this hard life we live in even harder, then I am all for them. But if that happened, the key word would be CONTROL!!! I mean really, could we control something that powerful? I'm not sure. It seems that whenever something powerful falls into the hands of the human race, the seven deadly sins take over. If it could be controlled, I say I am all for it, but if it can't, THEN NO WAY!!! Humans were made to be different, not genetically modified.
I think stem cells will help America in the long run. We could eventually find cures to all kinds of diseases and help mankind. I don't think it would be okay to clone another human though. It just seems wrong. There is only 1 person for the world and we don't need 2 walking around. Not to mention id's could be swapped and the wrong people could be put in jail for something their clone did.
I totally agree with what Blah blah blah says. Humans are made to be unique and unlike everyone else.
I agree with what Meow says too because we shouldn't genetically modify our children, they are who they are, just like us.
ABCDEFG has total problems. When they take the stem cells from the pitri dish, they are not taking it from the fetus, they are taking it from the Embryo. An embryo is formed right when the sperm and the egg are joined. That is not a real baby yet. THERE IS NO HEART BEAT, SO IT IS NOT ALIVE!!!!!!!!! Plus, the embryo is made in a pitri dish, so its not even getting nutrients to survive.
Next time, do your research before you put forth your so called "opinion"
When it comes down to using Stem Cells for cloning humans we are asked if it's right or not. My opinion is it is wrong.
However, their are a few issues I agree with that could do us well in the Stem Cell Research.
I think changing a baby's original characteristics is kind of rude.
I also think that choosing the way we look is only to raise your self esteem. You could do that in so many other ways. If we created more humans other than ourselves what could happen?
Your life is valued more than anything in this world would you want to risk it by making a clone?
The ways in which it could benifit us would be if your son or daughter had a disease you could use the stem cell approach to later benifit your child. I guess I would have to say that I agree with using Stem Cell Research when your using it for Birth defect, but not to change the way we look.
jeeze football playa that wasn't rude at all.
i think that no matter what you still have an opinion so you shouldn't be critisizing everyone elses.. I also think that no matter what the purpose of the use of the Stem Cell Research is why people are getting up set football playa they are mad because youshouldn't change how you look.
Even though we've learned that through newspaper ads, magazines, and the news that it's the most important thing.
I agree with abcdef that it could benifit someones life.
Just think you could be the baby that had a birth defect and then used stem cell research to get rid of it and then your just "normal" because nobody would want to be in that position with that defect. :)
hey sally. you couldnt have said it better! i totally agree with you. Its Gods job not ours.
The questions was whether stem cells / cloning should be premitted if it could happen ( like in that movie the island) well as a strong chirstain i believe it should never happen. period. God created us all specfically and perfect. And its not our decision whether to change it or not. God aslo decides when we leave this earth. So no one should try to prolong our stay here on earth when its not meant to be. Thats GOD'S JOB NOT OURS. and i dont like the idea of people trying to take on his role. It just shouldnt be done at all.
hey biology kid. i think your comment was great. you even backed it up with a great bible verse! you made your opinion even stronger by backing it up with the word
i think of cloning in two ways, i find cloning both ethical and unethical. think of it this way; you get in an accident and you break your arm in such a way, you can never use it again. HOWEVER, your doctor has some of your DNA that he can use to make you a new, fully functional you do it?
what if you know your child is going to have brown hair and green eyes, would you want the capability to alter his/her genes to make him/her have blonde hair and blue eyes instead?
where can you draw the line about whether or not something is ethical when we live in a society where girls need to be skinny and beautiful to be accepted and men need to be built, tall and handsom to be accpeted?
whos there to say something is right or wrong when everyone else is doing something?
i see a situation here where it comes down to what people find right or acceptable, and what they find morally wrong.
i must disagree with cave pip...god isnt "giving" us the ability to clone, scientists are. it all comes down to what people find morally right and acceptably.
personally, i find it morally wrong to clone people even if they cant live & think for themselves.
why pay for an exact genetic copy of you so you can live longer? who would honestly be that selfish, that theyre willing to sacrafice another person [or clone] to save themselves? i think its wrong.
to "curie is bad at ps3":
the ability to use stem cells to make "ugly babies cute" is also morally wrong.
if your kids supposed to be ugly, well that what god had planned. we shouldnt be allowed to change a persons genes to make them fit into society better.
Most of these comments don't even seem to be supported by strong logical constructs (e.g. it is "murder" or "playing God"). It is quite clearly not murder of a human being, murder implies the destruction of a rational being who could survive on its own(an embryo will die once exposed to air without nutrients, a two year old, however, can regulate its own functions without constant assistance and can make decisions). Nor is stem cell research "playing God;" humans are fully rational and can govern their own lives, at the very least this argument could be called "playing Darwin" because it stops natural evolution and organ transplants greatly slow the process of removing the weak and stupid.
A much better argument against stem cell research and its possible byproduct of cloning is that it would empower a totalitarian/ fascist government.(Read Brave New World by Alodus Huxley, while before era of genetic ideas first chapter does display idea designed people) It would allow such a government to optimize its work forces and military while adding to the longevity of its leaders.
On the other side, one could see as in support of laissez-faire capitalism as an ethical means of generating income because embryonic stem cells would provide services much like that of a hospital.
to runners are funner (2nd comment)
once again the clone as not being rational nor able to live on their own, is not a person therefore it is OK to create them and it is just as moral to use them to increase your lifespan.
to all those who say it is wrong to intentionally alter a living things DNA does that also make it immoral to eat almost everything you do because humans have likely changed its DNA to make it bigger and tastier. Does that make the genetic variation I created for this game
immoral? 100.0, 0x0, 100, 6, 60.0, 0.6, 4.0, 1.3, 100, 85.0, 0.4, 4, 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.9, 0.0, 0.7, 0.0, 0x0, 0x0, 10.1, 22.1, 6, 5, 1.8, 1.4
The controversy between the ethics of stem cells leaves me kinda torn between both sides...I think that it would be great to be able to alter something so you're free from horrible diseases and sicknesses. But, however I do also see the side to how this could get a little out of hand, such as changing your future offspring's hair color and appearance, playing "God" in other words. I also kind of seem to believe in the phrase that "everything happens for a reason", were what we are for a reason, and it might be a little strange if you altered that. So, I really can't make up my mind. :) I somewhat disagree with curries bad at ps3, because this person's ideas would seemingly "get out of control". I definitely agree with sally though...and thats pretty much it. :)
This is great info to know.
I think that it would be cool to use stem cells to cure diseases, but only if you get them from certain sources. Using embryos is a horrible idea because manipulating the human being is wrong, whether they are 1 hour old or 100 years old or anywhere in the middle... or younger or older :). A person is a person at conception, before birth, and after birth. If you can get stem cells from bone marrow in a deceased person to heal another person that's great but if you are taking it from an embryo that is unacceptable. Seriously, what would the point be for having a clone anyway? Sure... you could get organs and body parts and live a really long time, but that's not the way God designed it to be. If we could find a cure for cancer through this that would be amazing, but it all depends on where you get the stem cells.
"Biology" is right and I totally agree with that person. I am very impressed. Thank you.
To "Ann 'O Nymous"- I think that altering non-human organisms is okay, but when you use embryos you are wrong. And "cave pip"- God gave us free will and choice. We could do what we wanted and he expects us to make the right decisions.
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