Tuesday, October 23, 2007



Billy said...

WOW Currie is amazing!! Why cant we have a full review session? All of the eraly bird teachers are mean and who cares about those classes because bio is da BOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBBBBBBB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Evil Spoon said...

Yeah it's my second post but I'm bored and don't really want to do homework right now...

Bad thing to say on a teacher's blog. ^0^ I agree with Billy! "SCIENCE RULES!"~Bill Nye the Science Guy!!!!!!!
~Evil Spoon

Anonymous said...

all those notes went RIGHT over my head today!!! so i better go study now!! and it's okay that there isn't a study session for quizzes cause' i have early bird and i only come for tests. but i really need it for tommorow!!1

Anonymous said...

Bio is a ton of fun!we should have a full review session before the quizzes and tests though. Especially this photosynthesis stuff, it is hard!

cougars rock! said...

we should have a full review session...this stuff is challenging...

Anonymous said...

Biology is the bomb; but it is easy, like photosynthesis and cell respiration, its a piece of cake. If you don't pick up on it the first time, you don't deserve a review session. Review sessions are not needed.

Anonymous said...

ok..so i was looking for stuff online to help me study for tomorrows test, and i found something:


hahaha i love that song. just thought i'd share

i think that deserves a bio buck...

Anonymous said...

the review sessions are the only reason people are doing somewhat decent in Bio. Bio is probably the hardest and most confusing class of our day if you don't understand what's flowing in there. One missed idea will screw you up major. The sessions guarentee knowledge. go pro-review sessions.